Why Games Work – The Science of Learning at ModSim World

Yesterday, I was finally able to give my presentation on Why Games Work – The Science of Learning.  I published the paper a few months ago, so it seems like it’s been forever since I wrote about it.

Every once in a while, you have one of those moments where everything just clicks – you are in a total state of flow and the words just seem to roll fluidly into your mind, one after the other.  This was one of those moments and it was really fun. I feel like this paper adds something to the community and I hope everyone enjoyed the presentation. For those still attending ModSim World 2011, see you at the panel.

Direct Link to Slides

Direct Link to Paper

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Ignite Hampton Roads #2 is Streaming

As I mentioned yesterday, the 2nd Ignite Hampton Roads event happens tonight at 7, at the Virginia Beach Pavilion. Ignite is a fantastic idea: 5 minutes to inspire with 20 slides that auto advance every 15 seconds. I’m nervous and excited and hope to see you there.

I just found out that they plan to release the video’s later on youtube, but they are also going to stream them live.  So, if you can’t make it in person, consider checking it out at UStream.tv.

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Skillz n Using ’em

Sometimes, I see people with so much skill it boggles my mind. The joy is it’s not something they were born with – it’s massive, massive amounts of hard work and practice. And it makes them awesome!

People like …. BEARDYMAN!  If you’ve never seen him, and don’t mind a little foul language, he’s amazing at what he does. If you want to experience beardyman in a bit of a tamer environment, try Beardyman at the Montreal Comedy Festival. Enjoy.


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Ignite Your Feedback!

Feedback comes in lots of forms. Sometimes, we get feedback by watching how people respond to what we say. Sometimes, they might even tell us directly. And, sometimes, as is the case with games, we see something directly happen as a result of our actions and choices.

But, a few days ago, I experienced a completely different kind of feedback. About 12 of us were practicing our talks for an upcoming Ignite Hampton Roads event.  I’m in a room, filled entirely of leaders from the Tidewater area – every one of them is accomplished in their field, is passionate, and has an inspiring story to tell.

I end up going first and I was pretty nervous – the Ignite format is really intense. It’s like a Ted talk, but you have exactly 5 minutes – 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds.  There is no room for error and you better know your stuff cold.

So, after I went, I got some feedback and made some notes. It was helpful and all, but that’s not where my real learning kicked in.  What happened next is that I watched speaker after speaker do their thing. And each of them was just amazing.  They are all passionate and driven leaders. And, in watching them speak and hearing the guidance they gave to each other, I know I witnessed something fantastic. And that is where I got the most amazing feedback about myself. I learned a LOT about my own presentation, just by watching and listening other people speak.

I’m not sure I’m any less nervous than I was, but I am a lot more prepared and I look forward to seeing everyone this Tuesday in Virginia Beach. Ignite baby!

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Siege 2011 – Gaming from Atlanta

I’m writing this post from my hotel room, down in Atlanta because I just attended the 2011 SIEGE Gaming Conference. I met some really great people who are moving the gaming industry forward down here and it made for a fun day. It’s a small conference, but they had almost 2000 in attendance.  Kudos!

My talk was part game-design, part postmortem, and part bridge between learning games and entertainment games. It was a small group and we had some great discussions. Anyway, here’s the slides: ‘What Can Game Designers Learn from Serious Games.’ It was video taped and hopefully, I’ll be able to post it before too long.

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